There has been some press coverage over the weekend relating to permitted development rights.
There is a suggestion in an article that PDRs could have been banned in the recent update to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) last week. This is incorrect.
There are longstanding nationally set PDRs which allow for the change of use from a range of commercial buildings such as offices and shops to residential use. Changing them requires secondary legislation and is not a matter for the NPPF. This was not made clear in the article.
We are aware of the criticism of some PDR conversions in terms of their quality and would welcome evidence of recent conversions which are a cause of concern. New homes that are constructed as a result of a Material Change of Use are required to meet relevant current building regulations, including in relation to fire safety, irrespective of whether they are approved through a planning application or permitted development.
The government will of course look at cases where we have been notified about development that may have fallen below these standards.
The government is keeping PDRs under review and has not yet made any final decisions.
An MHCLG spokesperson said:
“Our plan to build 1.5 million homes is clear all homes must be well designed and provide the safety and security people need.
“The government is aware of concerns and is committed to keeping permitted development rights under review.”