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Michael Gove sets out planning measures to build on long-term plan for housing

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Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

There has been widespread coverage across national papers and broadcasters about our package of housing announcements. This includes a ‘brownfield first’ approach delivering new homes and changes to Permitted Development Rights to empower people to extend their homes outwards and …

Coverage of devolution deal with Devon County Council and Torbay Council

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There is widespread regional coverage reporting favourably on Minister Young’s visit to Paignton yesterday , where he signed a historic devolution deal with Devon County Council and Torbay Council. Press office issued a press release ahead of the signing event, …

Coverage of additional local government funding announcement

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There is widespread reporting of the additional local government funding announcement, proactively briefed by press office yesterday. The Financial Times, The Telegraph, The Times, Independent, Evening Standard, PA, The Sun, Daily Mail, BBC, The Guardian, Politico and many regional outlets …

Financial Times interview with the chair of the Electoral Commission on Voter ID

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Ballot box

An article in the Financial Times today reports on comments made by the Chair of the Electoral Commission, John Pullinger, that the government’s Voter ID scheme could disenfranchise groups at this year’s general election and that it is ‘more of …